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Tooth Health: Myths, Truths, Resources and Other Important Tips
**THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. Please do your own research and talk to your medical professional, if required.**

Article by Rivkah Maddox, aka Mrs. Prepared Homestead

**THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. Please do your own research and talk to your medical professional, if required.**


There are a lot of resources if one wants to try and explore the topic of tooth health.  Perhaps one of the most important pieces of information that I could discuss in association with our teeth and their health is diet. While this is perhaps the single most important aspect, there are other bits of information that I think should be addressed.  We have all heard the daily tropes of those in the “know” where health is concerned. You have heard of the Standard American Diet, The American Dental Association, the American Heart Association, the CDC and the FDA.  The information you will find that actually will help promote teeth remineralization actually goes against most advice you will find from the organizations I’ve listed above.  If you want to have a deep dive, I will suggest reading the following Resources:

Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums by Nadine Artemis

Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price

How to Become Dentally Self-Sufficient by Robert O. Nara


I want to start by mentioning the fact that your teeth are alive.  Most of us perceive that the teeth in our heads are mostly dead bone and the instruction we received from our parents and dentists really do not take that into account much at all, if any. Dr. Robert O. Nara said, “Even if there has been massive damage, the teeth can be repaired.” In fact, research tells us that teeth with early cavity damage can heal themselves once the disease is eliminated from the oral environment.” Our teeth can heal and regenerate.  Surprised?  You’re not alone. For more in-depth information please look for the first book I listed above. Nadine Artemis has done a fabulous job putting a lot of information in a short format that is easy to understand.  In any case, I think it is important to understand that healthy teeth come from an internal system that is being nourished with real food and water.  Our entire systems are greatly impacted by what we put in our mouths and bodies. Nadine Artemis states that “Insulin is one of the primary influencers of the parotid gland. Foods that elevate blood insulin levels, such as refined carbohydrates and sugars, will affect the direction of fluid flow in the teeth. Sugar raises insulin levels and inhibits the hypothalamus from functioning properly.  Daily high blood sugar levels suppress dentinal flow.”  She goes on to say, “Contrary to the acidogenic theory, sugar on the surface of the tooth is not the initiating factor of decay.”  You may remember a dentist giving you a lollypop or perhaps your child one.  This is because traditionally, it is believed that sugar on the surface of teeth is the issue.  It is in fact NOT.  Nadine Artemis continues, “Dental decay is a systemic disease caused by sugars and processed carbohydrates suppressing the endocrine system and switching the signaling messenger to the endocrine system. It is not because you have food sitting on the surface of a tooth.” I think that because we have been taught for a long time now that grains are important and so are a lot of other sources of sugar, we assume that they are part of a healthy balanced diet. Unfortunately, it is important to understand that potatoes, rice, oats, fruit, and even milk are sugars.  Many vegetables also have something called anti-nutrients.  Grains have anti-nutrients also.  In fact, magnesium is an important mineral that most everyone is deficient in that is required hand-over-fist in order for your body to process sugar.  Our teeth are often a reflection of our health in general.  If we have decay, we have a health problem. I cannot stress enough the need for real and healthy foods in your diet, when it comes to teeth health.  Dr. Weston A. Price promotes a healthy diet and a diet rich in animal fat like butter.  A diet that is healthy for your teeth cannot be overstated and is absolutely necessary.  We must begin first with healthy foods that are mineral-rich, have lots of healthy (animal) fats, and are high in your fat-soluble vitamins such as A, K2, E, and D3.  Synthetic variations of these are NOT a suitable replacement.  There truly is no easy button or way around this.  If you want to address the teeth, you must address diet first and foremost.

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